- Abalos, J.; Pérez i de Lanuza, G.; Bartolomé, A.; Liehrmann, O.; Laakkonen, H.; Aubret, F.; Uller, T.; Carazo, P.; Font, E. 2024. Behavioral threat and appeasement signals take precedence over static colors in lizard contests. Behavioural Ecology arae045
- Jardat, P.; Liehrmann, O.; Reigner, F.; Parias, C.; Calandreau, L.; Lansade, L. 2023. Horses discriminate between human facial and vocal expressions of sadness and joy. Animal Cognition 26, 1733–1742. Press release
- Liehrmann, O.; Olila, A.; Lummaa, V.; Lansade, L; Seltmann, M. 2023. First observation of reindeer responding to human-given cues. Journal of Comparative Psychology. press release
- Liehrmann, O.; Cosnard, C.; Jardat, P.; Viitanen, A.; Riihonen, V.; Alander, E.; Sonja, K.; Lummaa, V.; Lansade, L. 2023. What drives horse success at following human-given cues? An investigation of handler familiarity and living conditions. Animal Cognition. press release, Yle
- Liehrmann, O.; Viitanen, A.; Riihonen, V.; Alander, E.; Sonja, K.; Lummaa, V.; Lansade, L. 2022. Multiple handlers, numerous owner changes and short relationship length affect horses’ responses to novel object tests. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 254, 105709 press release, Yle, Ilta Sanomat
- Liehrmann, O.; Crawley, J.; Seltmann, M.; Feillet, S.; Nyein, K.; Aung, H. H.; Htut, W.; Oo, Z. M.; Lahdenperä, M.; Lansade, L.; Lummaa, V. 2021. Handler familiarity helps to improve working performance during novel situations in semi-captive Asian elephants. Scientific Reports. 11, 15480 Press release
- Crawley, J.; Liehrmann, O.; Franco dos Santos, D.; Nyein, K.; Aung, H. H.; Htut, W.; Oo, Z. M.; Seltmann, M.; Webb, J.; Lahdenperä, M.; Lummaa, V. 2021. Influence of handler relationships and experience on the health, stress and behaviour of semi-captive Asian elephants. Conservation Physiology. 00(00): coaa116
- Abalos, J.; Pérez i de Lanuza, G.; Bartolomé, A.; Liehrmann, O.; Laakkonen, H.; Aubret, F.; Uller, T.; Carazo, P.; Font, E. 2020. Don’t judge a lizard by its colour: no evidence for differential socio-sexual behaviour and space use in the colour morphs of the European common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis). Ecology and Evolution. 001: 1- 20
- Said, S., Jégoux, F., Chassagneux, A., Liehrmann, O., Shukla, U., Guillaumat, E., Baltzinger, C. 2020. Dispersion des graines par le cerf élaphe (Cervus elaphus) pendant la saison de chasse : mise en place d'une expérimentation dans le Domaine national de Chambord. Revue Forestiere Francaise. LXXI(4-5):371-379
- Webb, J.L., Crawley, J.A.H., Seltmann, M.W., Liehrmann, O., Hemmings, N., Nyein, U.K., Aung, H.H., Htut W., Lummaa, V. & Lahdenperä, M. 2020. Evaluating the Reliability of Non-Specialist Observers in the Behavioural Assessment of Semi-Captive Asian Elephant Welfare. Animals. 10(1):167
- Girod, P., Liehrmann, O., Urvoist, T., Turlings T.C.J., Kenis, M., Haye, T. 2018. Host specificity of Asian parasitoids for potential classical biological control of Drosophila suzukii. Journal of Pest Sciences. 91(4)
- Liehrmann, O., Jégoux, F., Guilbert, M.A., Isselin-Nondedeu, F., Saïd, S., Locatelli, Y. & Baltzinger, C. 2018. Epizoochorous dispersal by ungulates depends on fur, grooming and social interactions. Ecology and Evolution. 8(3)
- Liehrmann, O. 2023. Investigating the human-animal relationship in working animals. M.Sc. thesis, Dept. Biology PhD. Thesis– Univ. Turku.
- Liehrmann, O. 2019. Mahout-Elephant working relationships and how they affect elephant’s responses to work orders. M.Sc. thesis, Dept. Biology – Univ. Turku, Univ. Caen.
- Liehrmann, O. 2016. Experimental assessment of diaspores detachment time transported via epizoochory: effects of fur quality and grooming behavior in three ungulates. M.Sc. thesis, Irstea – Nogent sur vernisson, Univ. Tours.
- Liehrmann, O. 2015. Effect of the initiator identity in horse collective movements. M.Sc. thesis, CNRS – Strasbourg, Univ. Tours.
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